এসএসসি পরীক্ষার্থীদের ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্র চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন সাজেশন -১৩

ইংরেজি প্রথমপত্র চূড়ান্ত সাজেশন

 শিক্ষক, ইংলিশ ভার্সন মতিঝিল মডেল স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজ

Seen Passages (Ques. No. 1 & 2)
1) 'Heritage' is what we inherit from ·· beauties of Bangladesh .
2) Zahir Raihan was one of the ·· when his dream came true.
3) Meherjan lives in a slum on ·· towns and villages every year.
4) Mother Teresa was moved by the presence of ··in our mind.
5) May Day or International Workers Day ·· and better lives.
6) Pritilata was born in Chittagong ·· during her lifetime.
7) 26 March, our Independence Day, is the biggest ·· country.
8) The pioneer of Bangladeshi modern art Zainul Abedin ··.
9) The French Sculptor Frederic ·· anywhere in the world.
10) Michael Modhusudan Dutt was a ·· Meghnad Bodh Kabya.
Seen Passages (Ques. No. 3)
1) Partha Pratim Majumder was born ·· in Kolkata from 1966 to 1972.
2) Lake Baikal is the deepest and one of the ·· is exceptional.
3) The advantages of the Internet technology ··service provider.
4) 21 February has been observed as Shaheed Dibosh ·· multilingualism.
5) Countries of the world rely heavily ·· as hydroelectric energy.
6) A florist's career is rather a good choice ··career successful.
7) A responsibility is a duty or an obligation ··them out effectively.
8) To be a good citizen, you have to ·· about a person or thing.
9) The population of our country is increasing ··too many people.
10) Yoga is a kind of posture and breathing ··regular fitness routine.
Unseen Passages (Ques. No. 4 & 5)
1) Stephen Hawking ·· using his computer.
2) Abraham Lincoln ·· in Washington.
3) Neil Armstrong ·· of the moon.
4) The Nobel Prize ·· inventing x-rays.
5) Jasimuddin was ·· at Gobindapur.
6) Nelson Mandela ·· a lung illness.
7) Alexander Fleming ·· London in 1995.
8) Albert Einstein, the ·· 1955 in Princeton.
9) Titanic the largest ·· in the world.
10) Louis Pasteur was ·· at the age of 72.
Matching sentences (Ques. No. 6)
Practise all Zilla Schools(****), overnment Schools(***), Renowned Schools(**) & Cadet Colleges(*).
Rearranging Sentences (Ques. No. 7)
Practise all Zilla Schools(****), Government Schools(***), Renowned Schools(**) & Cadet Colleges(*).
Paragraph (Ques. No. 8) Paper I & II
1) Tree Plantation
2) A School Magayine
3) Load Shedding
4) Traffic Jam
5) Your School Library
6) A Winter Morning
7) A Moonlit Night
8) A Raiû day
9) A Tea Stall
10) A Book Fair
Completing stories (Ques. No. 9)
1) Devotion to mother
2) Robert Bruce
3) Farmer and wonderful goose
4) Honesty of wood cutter
5) Truthfulness of Hayrat Abdul Quadir Zilani.
6) Dress does not make a man great
7) A thirsty crwo
8) Two friends and a bear
9) A farmer and his quarrelling sons
10) Pied Piper of Hamelin in Germaû
Describing Graphs / Charts (Ques. No. 10)
1) The number of mobile phone users
2) Population growth rate
3) Number of people living belwo poverty line
4) A student's spending time in various activities
5) Temperature in different months
6) A student's marks in different subjects
7) Different pastimes of people
8) Literacy rate
9) Choice of profession by educated people
10) The number of Internet Users.
Informal Letter (Ques. No. 11)
1) To friend/younger brother telling him the bad effects of smoking.
2) To friend thanking him for hospitality.
3) To friend congratulating on his brilliant success.
4) To friend describing prize-giving ceremoû.
5) To friend describing co-curricular activities of your school.
6) To friend consoling him on his father's / mother's death.
7) To friend describing the importance of learning English.
8) To friend telling him what you intend to do after S.S.C. Exam.
9) To a friend inviting him to join the picnic.
10) To friend describing a street accident you have witnessed.
Or, E-mail Writing (Paper I & II)
1) Congratulations to a friend on his brilliant success.
2) Inviting a friend to join your birthday party.
3) Asking a friend to return a book.
4) Inviting a friend to join the picnic.
5) Thanking your friend for a nice birthday present.
6) To a travel agency to cancel a booked ticket.
7) To the manager to cancel a cheque.
8) To the railway booking clerk to reserve a seat for you.
9) To friend about the co-curricular activities of your school.
10) To friend about Bangladesh and her people.
Dialogue Writing (Ques. No. 12)
1) Between doctor and patient.
2) Importance of eradicating illiteracy.
3) Importance of reading newspaper.
4) Benefits of early rising.
5) Importance of learning English.
6) Preparation of coming examination.
7) Necessity of tree plantation.
8) Between you and the manager on opening a bank account.
9) Between you and your father about the profession you choose.
10) Between you and the Headmaster about the issue of a transfer certificate.

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