দশম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - Rearranging Part 07,08


a. There was only one person who never felt annoyed with the little boy.

b. He was very curious about things around him.

c. For example, once just to see fire burns and what happens after a thing burnt he set fire on his father’s barn.

d. A young boy around six years old became the subject of talk in his village.

e. People soon got tired when they talked to him, because he always asked, ‘Why, why and why’.

f. His father often got angry but at the same time he was proud of his son.

g. Sometimes it was difficult to satisfy him with answers and to satisfy his curiosity, the boy often undertook some risky adventures.

h. And that was his loving mother.

i. His relatives often avoided him.

j. Most of the villagers knew the boy from his deeds.

Answer: d + b + e + g + c + f + i + j + a + h

মনোয়ারুল ইসলাম, সহকারী অধ্যাপক, ঢাকা স্টেট কলেজ, ঢাকা


a. At the age of twelve, he was put to work on a railway.

b. Later he invented a new telegraph which could print its own message.

c. Thomas Alva Edision was one of the greatest scientists of the world.

d. Out of gratitude, the station master taught him how to work with the telegraph which was newly invented then.

e. He was born in 1847 with great defect in hearing.

f. He breathed his last in 1931.

g. So, he did not get formal education in any school.

h. Once he saved the station master’s child from an accident at the risk of his own life.

i. He also made other inventions which brought him money and fame.

j. All the education was given him by his mother.

Answer: c + e + g + j + a + h + d + b + i + f

মনোয়ারুল ইসলাম, সহকারী অধ্যাপক, ঢাকা স্টেট কলেজ, ঢাকা

 দশম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - Rearranging Part 15

দশম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - Rearranging Part 14

দশম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - Rearranging Part 11,12&13

দশম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - Rearranging Part 09,10

দশম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - Rearranging Part 07,08

দশম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - Rearranging Part 04,05,&6

দশম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - Rearranging Part 03

দশম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - Rearranging Part 02

দশম শ্রেণি - ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র - Rearranging Part 01

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